We make a difference through abuse prevention and intervention work, and create large-scale societal change through education, collective impact and advocacy.

At Sagesse, we work on prevention, intervention, and collective impact to tackle all the systemic and societal causes that lead to domestic abuse.

Peer Support

With innovation as our programming cornerstone, we work to make a difference one life at a time through intervention and peer support programs.


Education & Workshops

Our capacity-building workshops focus on educating all members of society about abuse to help make us all better at recognizing, responding to, and preventing domestic abuse.

Collective Impact

We work together with other organizations, systems, and individuals in the province to make large-scale social change, change discourse and eradicate abuse in our province.


Innovation is our programming cornerstone. We believe in using evidence-based data combined with our values to think outside the box and consistently find new and better ways to work.

Screening Tool

 This domestic abuse screening tool is intended to provide information about your domestic abuse risk level.