You can make an impact.

Getting at a complex issue like domestic abuse requires an understanding of how change actually happens – and resources to allow people, organizations, and communities to ‘lean in’ to their vulnerability as a means to stop domestic abuse.

Sagesse is uniquely positioned to empower individuals, organizations, and communities to disrupt the structures of abuse. With your support we can make deep societal changes that will prevent violence before it starts. 

When you join our monthly giving team, you create a stream of support we can count on and your budget can afford.


Our peer-support model relies on volunteer facilitators. We also have a variety of other roles to help support our mission and vision.

Other Ways to Give

Become a monthly donor, donate your bottles or securities, or setup a memorial tribute. Explore the many ways to make a difference.

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"It can happen to anyone. Domestic abuse knows no boundaries."

Andrea Silverstone, CEO Sagesse